
Czech Republic - reconstruction of the original HPP from 1933.


Project review

Pastviny is the first pump storage plant built in the Czech Republic. It played a major role in a local grid stabilisation in 1930s.

It was a hydropower plant of "Swedish type" as it originally did not have the upper construction of the machinery room (the machinery was placed in the open-air). However, its limited output is nowadays economically insignificant.

The intensive utilization of the power plant was a reason for a major rehabilitation.

Provided services

HYDROPOL completed the rehabilitation of the plant in two consecutive projects. In 2000, the plant went through major rehabilitation and replacement of all technology, except the turbine. In 2003, the turbine runner was replaced by more effective runner and the overall efficiency rose by 13%.

HYDROPOL was responsible for full design, tendering, contracting and project/quality management.

Main data

Country:Czech Republic
Built (year):1933
Output (kW):1 × 3 000
Head (m):28
Capacity (m3/s)1 × 12
Completion (year):2000 - 2003